5 of the Best Google Earth Mods and Hacks

Below are some of the best mods and hacks that you need to know about Google Maps. So have a look on all these tricks below.

#1 Flight Simulator

Access this feature of Google earth through the menu options Tools>flight simulator or do that by pressing the “Ctrl + Alt + A” on Windows. On Mac, use the key combination “Command + Option + A“. The box would be prompted after that from where you could select the airplane you wish to fly around various places on the Globe, just do your selections and start flying it through using the mouse and keyboard controls.


A Great multiplayer game that is based on the Google Earth, just explores the whole world whereas fight in the creatures too. Collect the treasures and gain the points in this game. To play this game, you need to have Google Earth v4.2 installed or the above version of the software.

#3 GE Football

Play the football game on the NFL field within the Google Earth through using this simulator, learn up a lot’s about the football from this game which is actually not only the game but also provides great coaching stuff too.

#4 Ships

Want to experience the great Ships simulator on your Google Earth? Just try the Ships simulator. Yeah! the name would confuse you first but you would get to it soon. Play around the oceans on the earth and run the ships to various ports and all that at the speed of 2 Machs maximum.

#5 Google Earth War

Use the earth map to create your own created battlefield where you would acquire some place after fighting with the multiplayer playing online. Go through many different battle experiences using this one inside the Google Earth app only and you wouldn’t need to go out of it at any instant. As you have read it now, you could easily extend the mobility of the Google Earths functionality through using the external plugins and some tricks to modify and hack the various functions. You would also wish to use up these hacking and modify Google Earth plugins with your piece of software, so there no point of denying it and hence go and try it now only.

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