As usual every Thursday, Wikileaks today released a new installment of the series #Vault7, the leaks related to the alleged hacking tools of the CIA. On this occasion, the portal founded by Julian Assange has brought to light documents related to Highrise, the application of the US Central Intelligence Agency to spy on SMS from Android phones. The well known popular leakster, Wikileaks has released the user guide for version 2.0 of this tool, which was launched in December 2013. According to the details provided by the portal, Highrise is an Android mobile app that provides US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operators Useful functions for spying on targets through the text messages sent and received on your smartphone. In the report published on its website, The well known popular leakster, Wikileaks notes that in principle this application was aimed at the devices running the Android versions of 4.0 to 4.3 of Android. Once this malicious application installed, the user guide shows that the app for spying text messages on Android appears in the applications folder of the operating system with the name of TideCheck. After the initial installation, for Highrise to start up for the first time it is necessary to run the program manually. To do this, it is necessary for a user to click on the TideCheck icon, to enter the word “inshallah” in the field indicating that the trial period has ended and then click on the button To start. Once the tool has been activated, it will run on the smartphone automatically without the victim noticing. When the first wave of #Vault7 documents was made public, the well known popular leakster, Wikileaks warned that it would be the largest CIA (US Central Intelligence Agency) data leak in history, and after more than fifteen deliveries, it is still delivering on its promise. Of course, we must not forget that it is not possible to confirm the authenticity of the files. So, what do you think about this malicious spy application? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.